Tous cobayes?

¿Todos ratas de laboratorio? // All of us guinea-pigs now?

Francia, 2012
119 min. Desechos y Contaminación

Jean-Paul Jaud

Gaumont Espacio Incaa KM 0: 25/07, 22:00hs
BAMA Cine Arte: 27/07, 20:00hs



Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini studies the effects of GMO cultivated with Roundup herbicide on lab rats —his findings are unsuspected. After the dreadful Chernobyl accident of April 1986, the invisible nuclear poison crops up again at the Fukushima disaster on March 2011. GMO, nuclear power: Why have men embraced these technologies if there is no independent evidence to guarantee there are no consequences to our health or the environment? Irreversible pollution is real. Are we all guinea pigs now?