
DerHumALC conceives its activities in the perspective of the defence and the consolidation of Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights as universal values and founds to social organization.


To create an environment for the association, circulation, and distribution of audio-visual materials that promote Human Rights, defence of the Environment and the right to Development.


  • To develop programs for training, diffusion and artistic, scientific and educational exchange with both government and non-government organizations on a national, continental, and intercontinental level.
  • To facilitate the exchange between teachers and experts in the area of audiovisual sciences with the purpose of initiating educational and cultural activities to reinforce the knowledge, development and the protection of human rights including, among them, a healthy environment.
  • To stimulate public and private interest for the production, diffusion, and distribution of films and video projects concerned with human rights, the environment and human development.
  • To promote online work within non-governmental organizations which incorporate audiovisuals as a tool for formal and informal education in the base of society.
  • To build a media library open to the public, which facilitates the exchange of documents, publications, teaching materials as well as the distribution of audiovisual materials to schools, NGO´s and television channels, etc.